Introduction to the Project This project was inspired by a conversation at the pub where the question, “What if a spider robot could also walk with a dog-like gait?”. With this train of thought, a student completed their bachelor’s with a Capstone project I supervised that brought this proposed device...
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This blog post is part of a series summarising my PhD project and the steps to complete my degree. The information in this blog post discusses reinforcement learning techniques that use the custom gripper to leverage environmental constraints while grasping. Refer to thesis for full details.
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This blog post is part of a series summarising my PhD project and the steps to complete my degree. The information in this blog post discusses the modelling and fabrication process outlined in Chapter 4 used to create a gripper prototype. Refer to thesis for full details.
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This blog post is part of a series summarising my PhD project and the steps to complete my degree. The information in this blog post is an overview of the human-centric approach of Chapter 3 used to inspire a novel gripper design. Refer to thesis for full details.
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This blog post is part of a series summarising my PhD project and the steps to complete my degree. The information in this blog post outlines the introductory chapter of my thesis (downloadable here). Information includes the motivation, areas of investigation and summary of key contributions.
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The Articulated Head exhibit was a component of the larger scale Thinking Head Project [1], and is a recreation of a previous exhibit [2] design project undertaken by my supervisor. As a result, this article also refers to online resources (see the final section Links) regarding this project’s history in...
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