Tag Index

 AHAI (1) AI (1) HRI (3) ML (1) PhD (5) RL (1) Stelarc (1) UR10 (2) WOZ (1) analysis (1) anthropomorphic (1) art (2) articulated (1) collaboration (1) design (4) drawing (1) fabrication (1) head (1) human (1) investigation (1) learning (1) locomotion (1) manipulation (1) mechanics (1) quadruped (1) reinforcement learning (1) research (6) robot (1) robotics (6) supervisor (1) survey (1) taxonomies (1) textiles (5) waste (2)

 AHAI (1)

The Articulated Head

 AI (1)

My PhD Part 4 - Applying Reinforcement Learning to the Gripper

 HRI (3)

My PhD Part 2 - Inspired Textile Manipulation from an Anthropamoprhic Perspective
The Articulated Head
The UR10 Drawing Project

 ML (1)

My PhD Part 4 - Applying Reinforcement Learning to the Gripper

 PhD (5)

Final Thoughts on my Doctorate
My PhD Part 4 - Applying Reinforcement Learning to the Gripper
My PhD Part 3 - Modelling, Designing and Fabricating a Novel Gripper
My PhD Part 2 - Inspired Textile Manipulation from an Anthropamoprhic Perspective
My PhD Part 1 - The Motivation and Proposal

 RL (1)

My PhD Part 4 - Applying Reinforcement Learning to the Gripper

 Stelarc (1)

The Articulated Head

 UR10 (2)

The Articulated Head
The UR10 Drawing Project

 WOZ (1)

The UR10 Drawing Project

 analysis (1)

My PhD Part 2 - Inspired Textile Manipulation from an Anthropamoprhic Perspective

 anthropomorphic (1)

My PhD Part 2 - Inspired Textile Manipulation from an Anthropamoprhic Perspective

 art (2)

The Articulated Head
The UR10 Drawing Project

 articulated (1)

The Articulated Head

 collaboration (1)

The UR10 Drawing Project

 design (4)

Making a Quadruped Robot
My PhD Part 3 - Modelling, Designing and Fabricating a Novel Gripper
The Articulated Head
The Articulated Head

 drawing (1)

The UR10 Drawing Project

 fabrication (1)

My PhD Part 3 - Modelling, Designing and Fabricating a Novel Gripper
The Articulated Head

 human (1)

My PhD Part 2 - Inspired Textile Manipulation from an Anthropamoprhic Perspective

 investigation (1)

My PhD Part 2 - Inspired Textile Manipulation from an Anthropamoprhic Perspective

 learning (1)

My PhD Part 4 - Applying Reinforcement Learning to the Gripper

 locomotion (1)

Making a Quadruped Robot

 manipulation (1)

My PhD Part 4 - Applying Reinforcement Learning to the Gripper

 mechanics (1)

My PhD Part 3 - Modelling, Designing and Fabricating a Novel Gripper

 quadruped (1)

Making a Quadruped Robot

 reinforcement learning (1)

My PhD Part 4 - Applying Reinforcement Learning to the Gripper

 research (6)

Final Thoughts on my Doctorate
My PhD Part 4 - Applying Reinforcement Learning to the Gripper
My PhD Part 3 - Modelling, Designing and Fabricating a Novel Gripper
My PhD Part 2 - Inspired Textile Manipulation from an Anthropamoprhic Perspective
My PhD Part 1 - The Motivation and Proposal
The Articulated Head

 robot (1)

The UR10 Drawing Project

 robotics (6)

Final Thoughts on my Doctorate
Making a Quadruped Robot
My PhD Part 4 - Applying Reinforcement Learning to the Gripper
My PhD Part 3 - Modelling, Designing and Fabricating a Novel Gripper
My PhD Part 2 - Inspired Textile Manipulation from an Anthropamoprhic Perspective
My PhD Part 1 - The Motivation and Proposal

 supervisor (1)

Making a Quadruped Robot

 survey (1)

My PhD Part 2 - Inspired Textile Manipulation from an Anthropamoprhic Perspective

 taxonomies (1)

My PhD Part 2 - Inspired Textile Manipulation from an Anthropamoprhic Perspective

 textiles (5)

Final Thoughts on my Doctorate
My PhD Part 4 - Applying Reinforcement Learning to the Gripper
My PhD Part 3 - Modelling, Designing and Fabricating a Novel Gripper
My PhD Part 2 - Inspired Textile Manipulation from an Anthropamoprhic Perspective
My PhD Part 1 - The Motivation and Proposal

 waste (2)

Final Thoughts on my Doctorate
My PhD Part 1 - The Motivation and Proposal