
Experience, Skills, and Overview of Career


Software Engineering
  • Fluent in several programming languages, including C++, Python, C, Java, Matlab, and shell scripting.
  • Familiarity with source control tools like Git and using them for automated testing/deployment (e.g., GitHub actions) and collaboration.
  • Proficient in designing, implementing, and maintaining CI/CD pipelines.
  • Experience with containerisation for development; see my DockerHub profile.
  • Proficient in coding with the ROS/ROS2 stack, including components such as ROS Control, MoveIt and ROS Navigation.
  • Proficient in simulation platforms for robotic testing (i.e. Gazebo or Pybullet/Bullet).
  • Familiar with rigid body mechanics, including kinematics, kinostatics and dynamic modelling techniques.
  • A comprehensive understanding of robotic grasping and its complexities.
  • Proficient in the foundational mathematical principles of robotics (incl. Spatial mathematics, linear algebra, calculus, etc.)
  • Experience with integrating custom hardware components onto industrial systems.
  • Experience with circuit design for custom hardware components.
  • Familiarity with communication protocols for electronic systems (e.g. Serial comms, RS-485 or the CAN bus).
  • Designing and fabricating custom robotic parts.
Machine Learning
  • Supervised Learning for computer vision (CV) image segmentation and classification.
  • Experience with rapidly collecting and annotating vision data for robotic applications.
  • Integration of learned models for real-time detection and tracking (e.g. YoloACT combined with Deepsort).
  • Experience using reinforcement learning (RL) to teach advanced collision-rich robotic motion and behaviour.
  • Familiarity with training RL policies in simulation before deploying to hardware prototypes.


RediRobots: Founder and Robotics Engineer, July 2022 - Present
Thanks to some funding offered by a government program in Canberra, I was able to make a company spinning off my PhD research to explore textile recycling robotics in an industrial context. As a result, I've been working with a UFactory xArm6 robot with a commercial version of my textile waste pick-and-place sorting gripper to evaluate the commercial viability. My work on this endeavour has involved ROS development, sensor integration, deep learning computer vision, design/fabrication, and business development.
University of Canberra: Researcher and Engineer, January 2017 - Present
During my honours and PhD at the University of Canberra, I worked as a researcher and lab engineer. My responsibilities included teaching classes on programming, robotics, and mechanics to undergraduate students while contributing to a range of research projects. Examples of projects include the UR10 Drawing Project, Articulated Head Exhibit, and my PhD. On top of performing research in these endeavours, I would work on the required engineering aspects to bring them to life, including software development, machine learning, mechanical engineering, circuit development and system integration.
Equilibri: Founder and Engineer, January 2018 - March 2021
In 2018, a colleague and I began working on the promising RnD company Equilibri, which invented a device to assist people suffering from balance deterioration caused by neuromuscular conditions. My contributions to this project included design, embedded systems development, programming and testing. Due to complications from the COVID-19 pandemic, the project wrapped up in early 2021.
University of Aalborg: Visiting Researcher, October 2019- January 2020
Due to the accolades received in a robotic art exhibit (see the ICSR 2018 robot drawing project), I was allowed to recreate the exhibit in Aalborg, Denmark. My work throughout this time involved programming and setting up the system with human-robot collaboration researchers, integrating the existing code base onto a UR3 robot, and deploying it at the Danish Museum of Science and Technology.
Visual Analysis: Software Engineer, November 2015 - November 2016
I worked as a software engineer for visual analysis. My responsibilities included managing, developing, debugging, and deploying analytical software. I left Visual Analysis to pursue a career in robotics.


  • Engineers Australia Undergraduate Innovation Award 2017
  • Best Interactive Session ICSR 2018
  • Invited Session Chair to ICSR 2018, CASE 2020
  • UC Distinguished Alumni of the Year finalist 2018
  • Runner-Up Robot Design Competition, ICSR 2020
  • ICON grant recipient 2022
  • 3MT Indo-Pacific Semi-Finalist 2022
  • InnovationACT grant recipient 2023