
Degrees Acquired at the University of Canberra

Doctor of Philosophy (2018 - 2023)

Supervisors: Dr Damith Herath & Dr Roland Goecke
My thesis research focused on studying manipulators designed for dexterous manipulation of deformable objects, such as textiles, to enable robotic recycling of clothing waste. I developed a novel robotic system for recycling textiles, which included a dexterous manipulator, a perception system, and the integrated controllers. The novelty of my research was in the design of the manipulator, which was inspired by the human hand and validated with human subject studies for dexterous manipulation of textiles. After discovering this design, I built the kinematic, kinostatic, and dynamic models of the manipulator, which then lead to the fabrication and integration of the manipulator onto a baxter robot. The final component of my PhD was the implemntation of RL algorithms Soft-Actor Critic (SAC) and Twin Delayed DDPG (TD3) for learning collision rich manipulation policies which taught the manipulator grasping motions that could exploit the environment. For more information, please see my thesis or the posts regarding my degree.

Honours in Science and Technology (2017)

I completed an Honours in Information Sciences course, where I studied the application of computer vision algorithms on NAO robots for the RoboCup Standard Platform League (SPL) competition. I developed a computer vision system for detecting and tracking the ball and robots in the RoboCup SPL environment, and optimised their integration on the hardware platform.

Bachelor of Software Engineering (2013 - 2015)

I hold a Bachelor of Software Engineering, in which I studied software engineering, computer science, and mathematics.